Network Design, Support, and Setup

    Keeping your computers connected, safe, and secure is vital to every small business. Our goal is to minimize downtime and set you up with equipment that won’t fail, and that will ensure your employees are able to carry out their day to day tasks without delays. We don’t use a one size fit’s all solution, we ensure every piece of the puzzle fits your needs, and that you never overpay for things you don’t need.

Desktop Setup and Support

    Don’t stress about the mess of cables and wires, let us handle the set up of your employees new computers. We cover everything from new hardware setups and upgrades, to software updates and troubleshooting. We make sure you buy only what you need, saving you both time and money.

Remote Monitoring and Maintenance

    We can’t always be on site, but through Remote Monitoring and support we can be aware of issues as they arise, resolve them remotely, and save you the cost of hiring an in house IT department.

Mail Setup and Adminstration

    Email plays a vital role in any business today. We understand how important it is to stay in touch with your clients, that’s why we have taken the nessisary steps to ensure that we have a full understanding of the different email options available. Exchange, Office 365 Email, POP and SMPT, Sendmail, Google Apps Email, and more. We can also migrate you and your employees onto a new email system with proven reliability.

Operating System Support

    Our technicians are qualified to support Microsoft, Linux, Novell, Solaris, Android, and IOS. Often times support for these systems are non existent or hidden behind 14 layers of phone systems that require a degree just to navigate. Give us a call, and we’ll either send an IT Professional over, or remotely solve your issue.


    All of our products come with optional training to ensure that you can handle your day to day with ease. In addition to that, if there is software you use that you aren’t quite comfortable with, we may be able to help there too.

Data Recovery

    Disaster strikes. A power outage takes out your computer and you loose the file you had been working on. You spill coffee on the keyboard of your new laptop. You delete a folder you thought was taking up space and not being used. Sometimes you have no explanation at all, files just went missing you swear were there yesterday. We can help.

Virus and Spyware Removal and prevention

    The best way to remove a virus is to be prepared for it in advance. Everything is 20/20 in retrospect though, right?. Click below to learn how we can gain you control of your computer again, even after a virus has infected it.

Web Design

    You run a small business, and you do it well. You have spent years masterfully perfecting your craft to provide a service to the public and it’s time to let the world know what you can offer. Hire us to design, maintain, or update your existing site.

Web Hosting

    Whether you are venturing into web design on your own, or hiring an outside developer, one thing remains true. You will need a server to make your website visible to to public. We have options to suit you needs.


To send our IT Professionals a message click on Contact, or call us at (602) 803-3619